Found in:
Fentanyl, BZD
Type/Reason added:
Relative Potency:
Routes of Administration and Effects
The most common route of administration is oral, via tablets or capsules. Sublingual administration (dissolving under the tongue) is also popular due to its rapid absorption. Less commonly, it may be insufflated if in powdered form.
Dosage and Effects:
Benzodiazepines Effects: Strong sedative and anxiolytic effects along with muscle relaxation and significant amnesia. Users report a calming effect, with rapid onset and a relatively long duration of action.
Adverse Effects: Heavy sedation, confusion, dizziness, memory impairment, and motor coordination deficits.
Dose Range (oral):
Light: 0.25 mg
Common: 0.25-0.5 mg
Strong: 0.5-0.75 mg
Heavy: 0.75 mg+
Onset and Duration:
Onset: 10-30 minutes
Duration: 6-14 hours
After Effects: 1-36 hours
Information Regarding the Substance
Physical Description:
Fluclotizolam appears as a white to off-white powder in its pure form. Tablets, capsules, or blotters can vary in size, shape, and color based on the source.
Side Effects:
Common: Deep sedation, reduced anxiety, mild euphoria, and significant impairment of short-term memory and concentration.
Severe: Profound respiratory depression, unconsciousness, coma, and even death.
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