2-Methyl AP-237
Found in:
Type/Reason added:
Cinnamylpiperazine opioid / Opioid effects
Relative Potency:
suggested potency similar to fentanyl
Routes of Administration and Effects
Administration: The common routes of administration for 2-Methyl AP-237 include oral ingestion (PO), nasal insufflation (snorting), smoking, sublingual (SL), and rectal (PR).
Dosage and Effects:
Light: 5-15 mg
Common: 15-30 mg
Strong: 30-50 mg
Heavy: >50-60 mg
Overdose Threshold: ~80 mg
Dose Range: 7-50 mg or more
Onset and Duration:
Oral and insufflation routes lead to quick onset and varied durations, depending on the dose and method of use.
Information Regarding the Substance
Physical Description: 2-Methyl AP-237 is typically found as an odorless white crystalline powder or solid.
Side Effects:
Oral Ingestion: May cause stomach problems.
Nasal Insufflation: May cause a burning sensation.
Overdose Symptoms: Severe breathing problems, acute lung damage, low oxygen levels, and unconsciousness.
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