Found in:
Fentanyl, BZD
Type/Reason added:
Short acting DBZD
Relative Potency:
Routes of Administration and Effects
Primarily administered orally in tablet or capsule form. Less commonly, it may be insufflated (snorted) or dissolved for sublingual or rectal administration. Intravenous use is rare but possible when the substance is in liquid form.
Dosage and Effects:
Benzodiazepines Effects: Pronounced sedation, muscle relaxation, relief of anxiety, and anticonvulsant activity.
Adverse Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, impaired coordination, confusion, and memory impairment.
Dose Range (oral):
Common: 3-6 mg
Heavy: 6-12 mg
Onset and Duration:
Onset: 20-60 minutes
Duration: 9-15hours
After Effects: 1-6 hours
Information Regarding the Substance
Physical Description:
Meclonazepam in its pure form is typically a white or off-white crystalline powder. It is odorless and has a bitter taste. When processed into tablets or capsules, its appearance depends on the manufacturer.
Side Effects:
Common: Mild sedation, anxiety relief, and muscle relaxation. Users may also experience a sense of well-being or euphoria. Cognitive impairment and slowed reaction times are common even at therapeutic doses.
Severe: Profound respiratory depression, hypotension, and coma.
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