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A Canadian Registered Non-Profit Initiative to END the TOXIC DRUG CRISIS 

A little summary of the BIG problem

The Solution...

Person-Centered, Incremental Enhanced Care

Substance use healthcare should be available regardless of individual's goal of treatment and their intentions to live without substances. While some benefit from abstinence-based interventions and buprenorphine as the first line of treatment, there are others who prefer to be on a maintenance program or experience a euphoric effects from opioids without risking their lives to the illicit, unregulated opioids. We recognize the expertise of people who use opioids including women and gender expansive people.


The J Healthcare Initiative advocates for special access programs to provide injectable and inhalable Diacetylmorphine (DAM) to individuals who use illicit opioids and have failed first-line treatment. By offering Heroin Assisted Therapy (HAT) as a harm reduction approach, we aim to reduce drug-toxicity deaths and help individuals lead fulfilling lives.

Some things that we do 


We are expanding our initiatives to college and universities in Canada and the United States. Build your leadership skills, help fund our initiatives and projects to end the toxic drug crisis. 

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